When setting up a High Availability solution, it can be tedious to repeat an identical setup procedure on two VPS. In this situation, our VPS cloning solution can be utilised to copy the hard-disk contents of the VPS you have already configured, onto the second VPS.

Cloning can also be used for testing large changes without modifying your production server or for creating a separate staging environment from your existing server.

If you have an existing BinaryLane server that you would like to clone onto another server, follow these steps(this process applies to both Linux and Windows servers);

  1. Click the 'Services' link at the top of mPanel and click "Add Cloud Server" to purchase a new VPS in the desired location, making sure it has at least the same operating system and disk size as the VPS you want to clone
  2. Go to backups page of the server to be cloned in mPanel, and create a new temporary backup
  3. When the backup has been created, select it and choose "Clone From Selected"
  4. Select your new server as the destination, click "Clone To Selected" and wait for restore to complete
  5. Confirm the new server is working, and update your DNS records as necessary